Woodland establishment
We are highly experienced in the operational delivery of all woodland types. Since 1999, we have planted a range of woodlands types and sizes, from 5 hectares to over 1000 hectares, often in remote, difficult to access locations.
We work with a group of experienced contractors to deliver high-quality woodlands. We are completely involved in the day-to-day site management of every scheme, maintaining direct contact with our clients throughout.

Site preparation
Rank vegetation may be topped or flailed with optimum planting positions created by excavator mounder and/or enviro-mounder. We avoid the use of any type of plough to protect soils and site hydrology.
Sites are protected with high-quality deer/rabbit proof fence. Quad tracks are created to access the site and we often design these to remain suitable for future woodland walks.

Tree planting
We aim to secure trees of local provenance from UK nurseries. All trees are hand-planted by professional planting teams.
Voles guards and tree tubes are used to protect young trees but only where absolutely necessary, the ground preparation methods we use attempt to eliminate use of plastics on site.

Woodland maintenance
In addition to the FGS capital funding to plant the woodland, you will receive an additional 5-years of maintenance funding to ensure successful woodland establishment.
Our annual stocking density survey determines beat-up (replacement of dead trees) and weeding requirements within your agreed budget.