Woodland design

With over 20 years’ experience, all woodlands are designed inhouse by our forester and ecologist. We have designed, delivered and managed woodlands within and alongside National Parks, National Scenic Areas, SPAs, SACs, SSSIs and LNCSs.

Our woodland designs are fully informed by our client’s objectives, alongside information gathered from the site assessment process.

Species choice

Species choice is determined by your objectives for the woodland, e.g. productive, low-density native, etc. To understand what your site is capable of, we consider soil types, site aspect, slope, exposure, hydrology, and ecological survey results.

Most of the woodlands we create contain in excess of 16 tree species.

Woodland type

Objectives for your woodland and how it’s felled (or not) in the future determine how it is planned at the start.

Many of our woodlands combine Continuous Cover Forestry (CCF), with clearfell and/or no fell. This allows future income from woodland to be determined as required by the client.

Final design

Using information from the site assessment , we use GIS to produce a woodland design.

The client approves this design prior to the grant-funding application. This forms the basis of our contract to deliver and maintain the woodland to year 6 (FGS funds the initial planting year + 5 years of maintenance to get your woodland established).