Want to offset?
Looking to offset your personal or business carbon footprint? We can help you.
We’ve got an incredible opportunity to help the environment and make a better world for future generations. Don’t wait for others to make the necessary changes to put us on the right course.

How it works
We match your requirements with a suitable woodland creation scheme in Scotland which is at the early planning stage.
You purchase carbon units that will be sequestered by the woodland in the future, helping to fund its planting now.
As the woodland grows, your carbon footprint is offset.

Buying carbon units
Carbon units are purchased through the independently verified Woodland Carbon Code.
Carbon can be bought as Pending Issuance Units (PIUs) or Woodland Carbon Units (WCUs).
Your purchase of carbon allows woodland planting on the site to proceed.

Get involved
You or your business can be involved in the woodland creation process – plant trees, visit the woodland as it grows, or take clients to see how you have contributed to woodland creation in Scotland.
*** We have currently have PIUs for sale ***